I have been a member of phoenix fitness for 5 years and started off at a kettlebell class as I was really overweight and unfit.
I had never done a class in my life and although I was new to everything I felt really at home from the first day.
After a while and once I learned enough of how to use kettlebells I then moved to the small group personal training.
The gym and the coaches have helped me massively and I am now physically and most importantly mentally stronger than ever before.
I feel I am at my healthiest I have ever been and the group I train with now are forever friends and we all work together as a team both in and outside of the gym.
I have a smile on my face every session and I know with this gym I can reach any goal I set my mind on.
4 years ago I walked into this gym to do a 6 week group to learn how to lift weights and I have never left ❤️
phoenix fitness has given me SO MUCH more in those 4 years than the ability to pick up a barbell.
The coaches and members are what make the gym feel like family. I have never been surrounded by such supportive and encouraging like. ended people.
It really is so much more than just a gym.
1- I had two options, Suffer, or get better (mentally) I never ever joined because i was fat or out of shape, i joined because it was my last hope of mentally getting myself back to my normal self.
The main reason i joined was because i was sad. Very sad. I had been prescribed medication that i never in a million years thought i would need. Anti anxiety & Anti depressants. I was a young girl going through a stressful time that was all. But it wasn't, it was more than that. I needed help, i needed therapy in some sort of way. I couldn't continue to feel the way i felt not in my body but mentally.
2- what I was thinking:
I wont be able to do any of the exercises, I wont be able to lift them weights, theres loads of people i don't know. They will know I’m basically crazy and will laugh at me.
The list goes on to be honest i didn’t want to leave my bedroom in my mums, never mind enter this gym that posts all there members online every day. But what did i have to lose?
3- Were was i when i joined compared to now...
Well, i was at rock bastard bottom!!! I was mentally drained, i was in probably the worst shape of my life mentally and physically. I had a job i hated that didn’t help, the people closest to me were very sick and the ones who tried to help i kind of pushed away. Nothing could of been worse for me really.
The day i walked through them scary little gym entrance doors... WOW! From that first visit which was probs the worst time to go as a Kettlebell class had just finished (it was CHOCKA!) I was in this scary arse gym i always see on instagram! The gym my mate had been telling me "just come with me once" and i always told her no i wouldn't like it, Id made it the first step which give me a little buzz, The first time i thought about something positive in months really.
I sat and had a chat with one of the coaches and told him my whole life story basically (bit too much ha-ha) He said "Hard work and consistency" you will get results if you stick to this. To this day i stick by that.
I am The happiest i have EVER been, The Healthiest i have EVER been, The fittest i have EVER been and the most confident i have EVER been.
4- There isn’t a single thing i don't love about this gym! Not one thing, Not even the workouts that make you feel like your about to vomit your guts up. I Love it all, I love the coaches like they are my family, I love my teammates like they are my family. I Love The challenges they set us that i pretend to hate, I don’t really i love it all, i love it all because not only has this gym made me better its given me opportunities' i never thought i would have.
5- I Have gained confidence, a positive mindset. I Have gained a better outlook on things overall, I Have gained my happy life back basically from joining this gym. I have gained friends for life, Ive also gained a decent figure to be fair haha.
6- I would tell someone sitting on the fence to JOIN!! Don’t wait just do it, and probs get all excited about them joining because ino what they are about to experience. Ino what there about to become part of, i wouldn’t lie and tell them its easy because its not. But i would tell them what i was told, if you want results alls you need is "Hard work and consistency" everything else just flows.
Spud... thankyou ❤️